Posts Tagged 'information'

Anywhere, anytime flight info with FlightCHECK

A new product has just been launced over at YouTXT – its called FlightCHECK.

Based on the same simple principles of providing useful information quickly and easily through TXT, FlightCHECK is an anytime, anywhere flight checking tool. Giving realtime access to any flight arriving or departing NZ. It can be accessed over at or by SMS/TXT.

The coverage is pretty amazing and you can check any flight nationally or internationally by TXT by simply sending the tail number ie NZ1 to 8808. Within seconds you will get back a message telling you whether the flight is delayed, on-time or cancelled.

This is a brilliant new service that is the first in New Zealand to cover every flight, and every airport. As a product it is available to the public, and also available for liscence to any travel or airline industry organisations that want to personalise and market to their own customer base.

What do you think of this new service? Any ideas to make it better or more useful?